Hello, February! I feel like I am coming out of a winter hibernation! Yes, I have been very quiet on my blog for sometime. Life has been as busy as usual, but my energy has been spent on taking care of myself, growing my health coaching business, learning more about emotional eating and how to help clients learn effective skills, and honing my own skills of intuitive eating. So while I have been away from my blog, I have not slowed down my quest for better health and sharing that knowledge. The knowledge that I want to share today is about creating abundance in your life.
February is the month of love. For me, February it is a time of self-love and self-care. If we are not good within ourselves – it’s draining to give to others. Yes, we first need to fill our own bucket. So today is about you and creating abundance in your life.
Creating Abundance in Your Life
What is abundance? It’s the sense that all is well and your bounty is full. While you have goals and ambitious, your goals are to help you achieve your best self. When you have abundance, that drive to achieve is not coming from a sense of lacking or deprivation. Abundance means that you are living in a place that allows you freedom to pursue your dreams – dreams of health, wealth, and professional success. So let’s break that down a bit more.
Abundant Health
A healthy body and mind is the foundation of living a full life. Nourishing your body is first and foremost a vital step to living an abundant life. It is easier than you think to put yourself on the right road to health.
Eat Well – Simply put: drink more water, eat more plants, and limit processed foods. Learn to listen to and honor your body.
Prioritize Sleep – De-stress before bedtime, limit night-time liquids, and get cozy with some favorite PJ’s, soft sheets, and a dark bedroom. Meditation works wonders to help get your body ready for a peaceful night’s sleep.
Move your Body – Find an activity that you enjoy! Get outdoors for some fresh air and walk around the block. Find some friends or join a club to help you stay motivated.
Foster Happiness – Learn to look at the positive side of events, find time to have fun and laugh, be brave and go after your dreams.

Abundant Wealth
Wealth is more than the accumulation of money, material things, and financial success. It is a mindset that starts with thoughts of gratitude, giving to others, and prosperity. Plus a shift in mindset been know to have a positive affect on your ability gain financial wealth.
Expect Wealth – Be open to opportunities and believe that you have the ability to earn and be prosperous. Add positive affirmations regarding money to your daily routine.
Practice Gratitude – Be thankful for the small daily niceties that come your way, say “thank you” to those that help you on your journey of life, and when life gets tough (as it always does) place post-it notes around your home reminding yourself that you are enough, you are beautiful, you are smart; be grateful!
Give Up Limiting Beliefs – Find a mentor, rejoice in others’ successes, be inspired, and truly believe in your abilities to achieve your goals. You have it in you to achieve!
Give More – I love Maya Angelou’s quote, “I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” To give to others does fill our hearts and souls in immeasurable ways. Give your time, give your love, give what you can in terms of donations to the causes that are close to your heart.

Abundant Success
With a foundation of health and positive mindset, you are ready to take action to achieve abundant success!
Make a plan – Write it down, create the steps, follow through and be determined!
Network – Reach out to others, get social and make connections, have confidence, believe in yourself, and let go of that fear.
Take Risks – Be creative in your approach, be wise (make that pro and con list), and be bold. Do not let fear derail your dreams.
Be Flexible – Sometime the road to our goals hits a few speed bumps. That’s ok. Be flexible as your reevaluate your approach and keep an open mind. Be willing to change your course if a new and better idea comes along.
Personal coaching can help you live a more abundant, fulfilled life. My coaching and courses at Creating a Beautiful Life can empower you to nourish, heal, thrive, and find abundance in all areas of your life! Reach out today if you have questions! Use the Contact link above or visit: www.staceydaprile.com.

[…] https://positivelystacey.com/2023/02/creating-abundance-in-your-life/ […]
It was around 7 years ago that I came across your blog Stacey, in my quest for answers/comfort/wisdom. Most of all I was trying to normalise life and heal the profoundly painful situation I found myself in. One of my children had been badly hurt and my husband ended our 20 year marriage (via text message). An excruciating double whammy. I landed on some common ground when I read your story and it was a relief…someone had made a positive life and moved through the difficulties to arrive on the other side: “I climbed a mountain and found myself.” Since then, I have supported both my children through high school, started my own business while studying further. Throughout I have practiced gratitude, mindfulness and self care. I worked hard to keep bitterness and anger at bay. Im now a preschool teacher, have my own home, walk to work and am grateful for life. It’s a stark contrast to the bleakness of 2016. Thank you for putting positivity out there…it was one of the lifelines I needed years ago.
Oh, Carmen, you have brought tears to me eyes! I am so glad that my journey has been helpful to you and hopefully others. Life is hard, we all know that, but sometimes we can be blindsided in very unexpected and very hurtful ways. My divorce was hard – but somehow I knew (even while sobbing the ugly cry on the bathroom floor) that I was in charge of my life and had it in me to get there. I lost a lot, but I never lost my belief in myself. I think that was a key component. That and allowing myself grace as I grieved a loss. I am so happy for all of your successes! You have the tools to achieve all that you want! You are a rockstar!