Celebrating family, friends, and home ~ keeping it memorable in our hectic lives.
Yes, that is my tag line – but it is a mantra that I take seriously. It really is who I am. So in that vein I thought I would share with you our simple and wonderful Halloween evening.Because our children split their time between two homes, they came over Friday evening. So Friday, Halloween night, also became the night to carve pumpkins and build that gingerbread house that I purchased a few weeks back.
To keep life simple, store prepared pizzas – cheese and pepperoni – went into the oven and with that the festivities (I use that term lightly) began. With Halloween music playing in the background…
Dom began working on the Haunted House.

Gavin cleaned out a pumpkin and began boiling the seeds with a bit of salt and olive oil.

Sophia planned her Jack-O-Lantern and started carving.

The pumpkin seeds were seasoned with salt and a touch of pepper, then roasted to perfection.

The Haunted House was completed.

Sophia moved onto carving a second pumpkin.

Gavin and I shared a bottle of Ledson “Orlando Cepeda” Zinfandel to celebrate the Giant’s winning the World Series. We also shared a few glasses of wine with our neighbors out trick-or-treating with their little ones in the rain.

Gavin and Sophia then headed out for a round of trick-or-treating throughout the neighborhood. While Dom and I watched The Munsters and handed out candy. Then once Sophia was snuggled in bed, Gavin and Dom watched Carrie. Me? I headed to bed as well 🙂
It was a beautiful and memorable Halloween night in our home!