We all know that sleep is vitally important to our overall health and wellness. If we’re not sleeping well, the rest of our life suffers, too. Poor sleep makes us cranky, leads to weight gain, allows for poor decision making, and causes slower reflexes. Doesn’t sound very appealing does it? That is why is is so important to set up your bedroom for a better night sleep.
There are few things better or more satisfying than a good night of rest. But sleeping soundly can be challenging. Life circumstances can disrupt sleep, and we can’t control everything going on in our lives.
But we can control our bedroom. Make the most of your sleeping environment and give yourself the best chance to sleep like a king or queen.

How to Set Up Your Bedroom for a Better Night of Sleep
Follow these tips and get the sleep your body and mind are craving:
1. Mattress. Finding the right mattress is a pivotal part of getting a good night of sleep. There are so many options that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. If your bed isn’t comfortable, head out to the store and try out a few mattresses.
- Avoid being stingy if at all possible. Think about how much time you spend sleeping and how long you’ll keep your mattress. Spend what it takes to be comfortable. A good mattress is one of the best investments you can make.
2. Light. For most of us, the darker the better. Minimize the amount of light in your room. Controlling light is especially important if your schedule requires you to sleep during the day. Ensure that your bedside clock doesn’t put out too much light either.
- Maybe this means the addition of blackout curtains or using an eye mask. I love this eye mask! Especially when I am traveling.
3. Temperature. Each of us has a perfect sleeping temperature. Studies show that a cool room works best for the average person, but you might not be average. Experiment and discover what works the best for you. An extra blanket or a small adjustment to the thermostat might make a big difference.
4. Noise. As little noise as possible is the best option for most. However, some people prefer to fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean, rain, or white noise. Figure out what works for you. If you’re forced to sleep in a noisy area, ear plugs can help. A fan can also be useful to drown out unwanted noise.
- I love this nightlight and and white noise machine combo! It has 31 soothing sounds – 17 nature, 7 fans, and 7 white noise options to choose from. That means there is something for everyone and for every mood.
5. Electronics. Clocks, phones, tablets, and TVs can all contribute to a poor night of sleep. Keep the electronic devices to a minimum. Ideally, put away all the electronic devices for at least an hour before bedtime. You’ll find it easier to fall and stay asleep.
6. Scent. The right scent can help lull you to sleep. There are so many benefits of aromatherapy – better sleep is just one. I love using a lavender (known for its relaxing effects) essential oil in my diffuser. But others prefer the scent of chamomile (helps with anxiety), sweet marjoram (recommended for insomnia), or sandalwood (effective in relieving stress and anxiety).
7. Get comfy! What do you need to feel comfortable? Think about what brings you comfort. Create a bedroom situation that is most conducive to sleeping comfortably for you. Wash your sheets regularly – at least once a week. Don’t be afraid to pull out your favorite blanket and a few soft pillows if that’s what you need. I have one adult child that cannot sleep without her weighted blanket!

How well do you sleep? Are you making the most of your sleeping space? It’s easy to think that any mattress in a room is enough to sleep well. And, that’s true for a few people. However, most of us would benefit from making a few changes to our bedroom. Getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep is imperative to your overall health and wellness.
Ensure that you’re creating the best sleeping environment you can. You’ll be glad you did.

In full disclosure to all of my tired friends – this post contains affiliate links. Which means should you choose to click on a link and purchase any of these items from Amazon, I will receive a very small percentage of the sale.
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