Are you having a tough time getting a good night’s sleep? I know that many people are currently struggling with sleep by looking at which blog posts are gaining in popularity and the terms that are being searched for more often. Many readers are looking for ways to find better sleep. So today, I am sharing seven ways to help you deal with stress and get a good night’s sleep.
First, know that you are not alone. People’s routines have changed, unemployment claims are skyrocketing causing a lot of financial stress and worry for millions, and everywhere people are dealing with a pandemic. Stress for many is at an all-time high. Tossing and turning is more the norm than ever before.
I have rounded up some of my posts and added new information to help alleviate stress and get a better night’s sleep sleep.
Seven Ways to Help You Deal with Stress and Get a Good Night’s Sleep
How Meditation is Helping Me I added meditation to my life when my husband was out of work for a solid year. When my stress levels get high, I turn more and more to meditation. I find guided meditations really help me with goal setting; mindfulness mediations keeps me in the present; and my body scan mediation really helps me relax. Slowing down my racing brain by focusing on my breathing, a mantra, my body releasing tensions – are all effective ways to help me get a better night’s sleep.

Reaping the Benefits of a Gratitude Journal I have found that my nightly routine of writing in my gratitude journal really helps me deal with stress and get a good night’s sleep by focusing on the positive.
Limit Exposure to the News I am a certified news junkie, and since I am now working from home, I have much more access to the myriad of news channels. To keep my stress in check, I have consciously chosen to limit the number of time I check the news each day,
Bedtime Snacks That Encourage Sleep A banana and glass of milk really can help me! Switch that up with a banana smoothie with the added protein of Greek yogurt.

Staying Active This one is harder for me right now. I am currently teaching online which is much more sitting in a chair than I am used to! I am used to walking a classroom all day, not sitting in front of a computer. Plus, I can no longer swim laps as our local pool is closed. To help, my husband and I have added long neighborhood walks into our after dinner routine. I am also spending more time working at my fit desk. Walking is something I do to help manage my stress and my weight. The best thing about walking – is you can do it just about anywhere!
Setting Up a Bedtime Routine for a Better Night’s Sleep Psychologist and sleep specialist, Dr. Janet Kennedy shared some helpful tips and insights from a national sleep survey on common sleep barriers. Experts agree that establishing a nighttime routine is key to getting a good night’s sleep.

Put Away All Electronics One Hour Before Bedtime. The effects of blue light on our brains is well documented. It causes eye-strain and delays the release of melatonin. This simple habit change can help you get to sleep faster.
We are all living a new reality. With our lives and daily routines getting upended the way they have in recent weeks, stress levels rise, isolation and depression can set in, and a good night’s sleep can become elusive. Staying healthy and managing stress is more important than ever. I hope that my seven ways to help you deal with stress and get a good night’s sleep will help you during these troubling times.