Uggh! Weight. As in trying to lose weight. As in I have too much of it. As in – this has been a lifelong struggle of mine. Yes, I am always trying to lose weight. Sometimes I am better at it than other times. Sometimes I am hoping to lose five pounds and sometimes I …
Not in the Mood? It May be More Than You Think!
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and that means love is in the air! Red and pink hearts are popping up in the stores, vases full of red roses are donning the florists’ windows, and restaurants are booked solid. Romance is hot, hot, hot! And sometimes for some it is not, not, not. Sometimes, we …
Kegel Exercises – There’s an App for That!
OK ladies, it is time to get real here. Seems like since I have hit the age of 50 (three years past now) the need to get to the bathroom has taken on a whole new sense of urgency. Not a good feeling! I love my morning coffee, I try to drink water throughout the …
Interview with Alpesh R. Shah, MD, Interventional Cardiologist
What do you think is the leading cause of death among adults in the U.S.? I used to believe that a form of cancer was the number one killer. Then I learned that every minute in the United States, someone dies from cardiovascular disease making it the number killer. Yet a new survey conducted by …
BlogHer16 Wrap Up
Another amazing BlogHer conference has come to an end. This was my third BlogHer Conference – I attended ’14 in San Jose and ’15 in New York City. I also attended a BlogHer Pro in ’14. While I am not a newbie to BlogHer – I am no where near the seasoned pro my six …
10 Ways To Live A More Creative Life
Creativity is the ability to imagine, problem-solve, and express, allowing us to make something new. A blank canvas can become the mirror of our expression. Sometimes this creation will be physical, a painted piece of furniture, a redecorated room, a beautiful celebration cake, but sometimes it is intangible, a problem solved, a new approach, or the bringing together …
Bedtime Snacks that Encourage Sleep
I once told my husband that sleep was overrated. I have yet to live that statement down. As busy as I am and as much as I do, I really do like my sleep! Sometimes we need a little help. I’m here today to share bedtime snacks that encourage sleep. Sleep sometimes just does not …
The Power of the Packed Gym Bag
Most of us in California are very excited to be getting so much rain. Not everyone I suppose, as it has wrecked havoc and caused considerable damage in some towns. But after so many years of drought, it is wonderful to hear the rain pitter-pattering on the roof tops. Rain however, makes it more challenging …
Beginner Triathlon Training Schedule Month Three
Welcome to month three or more accurately weeks 10 − 14 of my training schedule! I am happy to say that all is going well on my end. While I am not able to complete 100% of the training – I am above my 80% completion threshold that I hold for myself. My hats off …
Triathlon Training Schedule – Month Two
Well, I am three weeks into my training schedule and it is going OK. I have not stuck to my calendar 100%, but I am feeling really good about what I have been able to accomplish. Last night it was utterly cold out. I shivered waking into the pool area, and I was really not looking forward …