Family Holiday Inspire Kids

25 Days of Giving ~ A Holiday Calendar

Every year my children receive a chocolate filled Advent calendar from their great-aunt. They look forward to this tasty chocolaty tradition every year. I am sure that the salesclerk also got a kick out of this as Zia would purchase dozens of these advent calendars for all of her nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews. Opening …

Family Holiday

Holiday Fashions at Bella Rosa Boutique in Los Gatos

  It’s the holidays, and for me that means it is time for parties! Whether it’s the staff lunch, high school fashion show, entertaining at home, or the Christmas Ball. I love to dress up! The sparklier the better! My niece, Gina, is the owner of the Bella Rosa Boutique in Los Goats, CA. We …

Appetizers & Snacks Recipes

Brie topped with Apples and Craisins – Delicious!

A Collection of Easy and Delicious Dips

I love this easy appetizer that my friend Christine puts together! It is yummy, sweet, fast, and easy! So here I am sharing her secret with the world. I make this often when having guests over during the cooler months as the tastes complements fall and winter menus perfectly. Brie cheese and fall fruits – …

Desserts Recipes

Pumpkin Amaretto Cheesecake

Today is the day that I get to make this awesome, I mean totally awesome Pumpkin Amaretto Cheesecake! I started making a version of this cheesecake years ago, decades ago really. Seventeen Magazine published a recipe for Pumpkin Amaretto Cheesecake when I was a reader of Seventeen Magazine – let’s see – yes, that was decades ago! …

Family Inspire Musings

Life Goes On. Yes, it does Robert Frost, yes it does.

Continuing to move forward

I was flipping through some notes of mine today looking for a favorite recipe when I came upon a short note of thanks I wrote titled,Thanksgiving Blessings.  I wrote this little piece on Thanksgiving Day in 2009. Thanksgiving Blessings Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends! I’m busy counting my blessings – and there are so …

Entertaining Family Friends Holiday Home Organization Party Menus

Menu Planning for the Holidays

I have my Holiday Binder set-up and I am busy using it . Since I last blogged about pulling it out this year I have added to a few items behind the tabs. First off I want to say though is If you choose to use a Holiday Binder, it is important to customize it to your needs. There …