I recently celebrated my birthday! I gotta’ say that turning 55 felt momentous. I believe there is something about the double fives that feels special. My first thought when I awoke on my birthday, was that I had outlived both of my grandfathers. Neither one made it to 55. Plus, I am more than a …
Anthony Carrino on Spring DIY Remodel and Renovation Ideas
Yesterday, I walked through two Open Houses looking for inspiration. I love touring model homes searching for new ideas and easy decorating tips. These two homes were not model homes, but they were the exact same floor plan as our home. You see, they are right on our street. Both of them are across the …
Plan an Effortless Easter Brunch
Hands down brunch is the easiest party to host! Why? One) because you can plan a delicious menu that can be prepared completely ahead of time, and two) because brunch compliments so many celebrations! I have hosted brunches for graduations, baptisms, First Communions, Christmas gatherings, and just because I want to hang with my friends. …
10 Sweet Treats for Spring
Spring time is officially here! Well, at least that is what the calendar says. Much of the country is being hit with blizzards right now. So much so, that I cannot complain about the blustery rainy days that we having this week at school. Can we say indoor recess with sixth graders?! With the coming …
Helping My Adult Child Navigate Savings
My 23 year old daughter graduated with a degree in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and promptly moved home after her graduation. Her decision to move home was motivated by two reasons. One, she needed to save money for medical school. And two, she needed time to study for the MCAT. Moving home allowed her …
7 Simple Ways to Help Declutter Your Mind
My life has been super busy lately! You may have noticed that I have been away from my blog more than normal. Like you, I only have 24 hours a day, and when my life goes on overdrive – I need to let somethings go. As much as I love writing and sharing with you …
Two Ingredient Healthy Bagels
A healthy bagel? I love bagels – all kinds of bagels; cinnamon, blueberry, jalapeño cheese, and my all-time favorite the Everything bagel. When I can’t make up my mind, I go for the Everything! But even I know that a bagel is not a healthy food to eat. Especially since I love mine smeared with cream …
8 Steps to Happily Ever After
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and love is in the air for many couples. It’s a time where new couples nervously pick out gifts and outfits while long-time partners cherish and reflect on the love they’ve created over the years. I am busy reflecting on my love: the joy, the fun, the ups and downs …
How to Write your Valentine a Love Letter
Valentine’s Day is coming up quick, and there’s no better time to think about how you can add a little love to your life! Consider writing your honey a sweet love note to show them how much they mean to you. Look to some of the great love letters written throughout history for a little …
Tex Mex Vegetarian Bake Freestyle Recipe #SundaySupper
I just joined Weight Watchers so I am on the hunt for low point recipes. When my friends at Sunday Supper were putting together meatless casseroles for Lent, I thought, “Hmmm… what could I make that is not filled with cheese and calories.” I don’t know about you, but when I think casseroles, I think …