
A Valentine’s Gift For You!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today I have a little gift for you. A gift to help you focus on your own journey to better wellness and health. I really believe that everyone needs to take time for themselves and make themselves a priority in their life. Busy women everywhere often don’t even put themselves on that list of attention, or when they do, they often put themselves somewhere near the bottom of the list.

Last week I talked about showing up for yourself. Today I am giving you a 30 Day Self-Love Daily Tracker! I know self love is a huge buzzword right now. That term, self-love, means different things to different people. For some, it is an act of self care such as scheduling a massage, soaking in a warm bath, or taking a hike in nature. Those are all good and loving acts to show yourself, no doubt.

For me self-love is so much more. It is about getting to really know yourself, your dreams, strengths, challenges, doubts, and wants. It’s about knowing yourself and accepting yourself. It is also about investing the time you need to create the beautiful life that you want for yourself. All of this is a process that involves deep introspection. A willingness to get deep with yourself and accept what you see. Whatever it is that you find inside – know that you have value and you are enough. You are worth all of the love that you deserve.

How to Get Started Writing a Journal

Journaling, meditation, and lap swimming are the tools that I use dailyish to keep me grounded and aware. The think time in the pool, the working the thoughts out in my journal, and the letting go of all self-talk and just sitting with my breath, feelings, and sensations during meditation help me. Now please know, I do not have all of the answers! These practices allow for personal acceptance and growth. They give me the time I need to focus on me. They keep me grounded in the now and support my journey to better health and wellness.

A Valentine’s Gift For You!

For you today, I have a downloadable 30 Day Self-Love Daily Tracker! This is a gift for you to use on your journey to better health and wellness. I hope that you print this tracker out and find the actions that speak to you. Choose a focus each day over the next 31 days to focus on your own journey.

A Valentine's Gift For You!

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