Joy is such an important factor to your overall health and wellness. We are living through stressful times and being able to experience joy is a powerful tool to counteract the worries you may be dealing with.
But what is joy? A lot of us think of the feelings of excitement and happiness as joy – as in opening a birthday gift and finding the item you have been hoping for. Is that joy? Perhaps, but I think of that as excitement and happiness, and to me that is slightly different from the feeling of joy. To me joy is much more internal – a feeling that comes from within. Joy to me is most often tied to a sense of gratitude or pride.

Joy is a deeper sense of inward peace and happiness that is not tied to external factors but rather when something in your life aligns deeply with your core values. It is about living in the moment and noticing the beauty around you. Taking a walk in nature, hearing a child laugh, that first sip of coffee – are all little things that bring me a sense of joy. Pride also feeds a sense of joy – working hard and reaching a goal fills us with joy.

It’s easy to get caught up with worries during difficult times. You may even think that finding joy involves a great deal of work or money. The fact is that “buying” joy only adds more stress because of the financial impact it has. Joy comes from internal not external factors.
Here are some ideas to help you enjoy more happiness every day.
12 Simple Ways to Create Joy in Your Life
- Turn off the news, TV, and computer. While theses things can be helpful to keep you informed and entertained, it’s important to remember life without them. You’ll be amazed at how many projects you can complete without these distractions!
- Take a class. Almost everyone has a hobby they’ve been meaning to try for a long time. It’s time to actually do it. Take the plunge and take a class!
- Get in touch with a friend. The Internet has made it easier than ever to reconnect with people from your past. Whether you last spoke to your friend last month or decades ago, it can be a joyful activity. Reflect on your friendship and discuss the good times you’ve had.
- Start a garden. There are many plants and herbs that you can grow both indoors and outdoors. Experiment with different plants or grow some vegetables that you’ll enjoy later on, too. There’s nothing like the taste of homegrown vegetables!
- Dabble in arts and crafts. There are so many fun activities that involve arts and crafts. Just take a trip down the aisle of your local craft store to get some ideas. For low cost alternatives, go to your nearest dollar store. You’ll be amazed at your new treasures!
- Go for a walk or a nature hike. Take your family or go alone. Walking and hiking can be a great break in your day. You’ll be able to reflect, relax, and enjoy the fresh air.
- Organize a closet or cabinet. Get rid of the clutter and organize your essentials. A well organized drawer will give your that sense of accomplishment,
- Start stargazing. On a peaceful, clear night, get in touch with nature in a different way. Enjoy the stars! Pick up an astronomy guide and learn to identify the planets and constellations.
- Try journaling. One great way to reflect on your day and get to know yourself is by journaling. For additional fun, pretend you’re writing to a long lost friend or write a letter to yourself in the future.
- Learn to cook something new. It’s always a good idea to add exciting new meals to your repertoire. Find a recipe website or a cookbook and try something you’ve never tried before.
- Curl up with a good book. Find a quiet corned and lose yourself in a story.
- Be a tourist. You can become a tourist without ever leaving your hometown. It’s likely that you haven’t been everywhere in your town. Pretend you’re on vacation and try all the tourist attractions. You’ll learn something new and may even discover places you’ll enjoy visiting often!
Finding joy is a conscious decision and one that you have control over. Trying to find joy by buying things – often adds more stress to our lives because of the financial strain brought on by those purchases and the reality is that kind of joy is very short lived.

You are the gatekeeper to your emotions and well-being. Finding ways to add joy to your life will reap many benefits to your overall health and wellness. Look for opportunities of joy in your life, they are around every corner. With a little creative thinking, you can experience joy every day, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do it, either.
Thank you for reminding us about what truly gives us joy and happiness.
You’re welcome! Hoping you find joy today and everyday.