I have had a handful of friends and acquaintances reach out to me and ask how to start a blog. In fact, I have been trying to get together with one friend, but we both are so busy that a sit down to help her out has not yet materialized. Now, I don’t consider myself an expert, but …
5 Tips For Finding Work Life Balance
There are certain times of the year that my life routinely ramps into high gear and spins at speeds that leave me breathless. That would be the beginning and the end of the school year. While I am a teacher and perhaps at bit more sensitive to the changes of summer to fall and then spring …
A Dozen Ways to Cultivate a Positive Attitude
We all have days where life gets hard. In fact, some days it can be really hard. The one constant that I have found is that my attitude makes a huge difference in how those challenging days play out. I’ll be honest – while I am generally a very positive person, there are times when …
Perfectly Imperfect: My Interview with the Stars of MTV’s Girl Code
It seems that growing up has become harder and harder. When I think of my high school years looking towards college and making the necessary preparations, while it may not have been easy, it is nothing like what teenagers are going through today. The pressure to succeed can be very intense. And for some reason, …
I Went to Vegas and Came Home With a Tattoo
They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Well, not always. I recently went to Vegas. And the tattoo that I got in Vegas, most definitely came home with me. And let me just say – I love my tattoo! Yes, I am fifty plus years old. Yes, I’ve had a tattoo before and paid …
It’s a Wrap – #BlogHer15: Experts Among Us
I just returned from my trip to New York City where I attended the BlogHer’15 conference. Wow! What a conference this was! I attended last year’s conference in San Jose. That really was on a whim as I had just started blogging six months prior. The only reason I went was because it was in …
I’m Headed to BlogHer 2015!
I have been so busy getting ready for this trip that I have hardly had the time to feel excited! But now that it is so very close – the excitement is settling in. Double excited that my husband will be traveling with me cross country as this year’s conference is in New York City. …
I Climbed a Mountain and Found Myself
I always had this dream of hiking to the top Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. Each year I would travel to Yosemite with my sixth graders for a week of outdoor science school, and I would look to the mountain and dream of standing on top. Every day that I stood in the …
Performing Your Best: An Interview with Pro Cyclist Lucy Garner
Anyone who has ever participated in an endurance event knows how important a healthy gut is. They also know how much time, hard work, dedication, and discipline goes into training and getting yourself prepared for race day. Nothing new on race day is always rule number one. All routines and habits from what you put into your …
30 for 30 Move It Challenge
If you follow me on Facebook then you may have seen my 30 for 30 Move It Challenge. My challenge to myself and all of you is to move or 30 minutes every day for the next 30 days. Why? Because some days I just don’t have it in me to get out and move. …