There is so much going on in our world today. When you turn on the news you see some of the worst of humanity and catastrophes taking place. All of this can get overwhelming. Throw in our day-to-day lives and our many commitments – and life can feel chaotic. Trying not to get sidetracked or stalled in moving forward can be a challenge. There are ways you can stay positive and productive. It’s time to declutter your mind and ramp up your positive thinking. Here are 13 ways to declutter your mind, think positive, and be more productive.
Decluttering your mind can sharpen your focus and relieve stress.
Try these suggestions for taking control of your thoughts. See how getting organized and positive thinking both help you to declutter your mind.
Tips for Getting Organized
You probably know that becoming organized could save you time and money and protect your mental and physical wellbeing. However, there may be challenges in your way, like indecisiveness and lack of skills.
13 Ways to Declutter Your Mind, Think Positive, and Be More Productive
Use these strategies to turn things around:
1. Set priorities. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, cut back on your commitments. Figure out which activities give you the most satisfaction and let go of the rest. Start each morning with an intention. Write this intention down.
2. Plan your schedule. Manage your time, so you can devote more resources to your top priorities. Make a list of the things you want to accomplish and set specific deadlines. I am a huge fan of lists! When I write it down, it gets done! I love this pocket planner.
3. Tidy up. Your physical surroundings affect your productivity. Clear off your desk and kitchen counters. Upgrade your storage and filing systems. Take your shoes off when you come in the door and use paper-free options as much as possible. End each work day with a clean desk, and end each night with a clean kitchen sink. I promise you, each morning will feel so much better when you start with a clean kitchen and a clean workspace.
4. Simplify your lifestyle. Value quality more than quantity. Limit your possessions and media consumption. Turn off your phone for at least one hour each day, especially during mealtimes and before going to bed.
5. Slow down. Avoid rushing around. Allow yourself enough time to get dressed in the morning and do your grocery shopping. Attend fewer meetings and take breaks throughout the day.
6. Breathe deeply. When you’re under pressure, your breath becomes shallow and rapid. Inhale slowly through your nose and feel your abdomen rise and fall. You’ll think more clearly when your brain is getting more oxygen. I love my meditation practice! It has so many positive impacts on my life – the first is it is extremely stress reducing.
7. Write things down. Take notes and make recordings to remind yourself about what you need to do later. It will make it easier to focus on what you’re trying to accomplish now. When you write it down you don’t need to hold those thoughts in your brain.
Tips for Thinking Positive
Even if you’re not an optimist by nature, you can train yourself to look on the bright side. You’ll have more energy, and you may live longer.
These activities can help you to think positive and declutter your mind:
1. Explore your purpose. Think about what makes your life meaningful and satisfying. It’s easier to persevere through challenges if you remember the reasons behind your activities. discover your mission with this checklist. Being driven by purpose will make you happier and more successful. You will be living a fulfilled life.
2. Focus on solutions. Shift your attention to the things you can control. Break big projects down into smaller steps. Create short term goals and milestones, so you can see that you’re making progress.
3. Cultivate gratitude. Count your blessings each morning or before you go to sleep. Keep a journal where you can write about the happy events that occur each day. Let others know when their presence makes a difference in your life. Learn how to reap the benefits of a gratitude journal.
4. Seek support. Surround yourself with family and friends who love and care about you. Talk about your feelings and ask for help when you need it. Gather together to have fun and laugh.
5. Give generously. Helping others can put your own troubles into perspective and strengthen your sense of belonging. You also build your confidence by putting your skills to work.
6. Practice self-care. Your physical health affects your mental wellbeing. Look after yourself with a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Get plenty of sleep and spend time doing things you love.
Make your days more orderly and peaceful. Clearing away mental clutter allows you to accomplish more with less effort. You’ll feel happier, and you’ll be able to create the life you want and deserve.
If you want more guidance and support in moving your life forward and ramping up your productivity, come join my class Moving Forward! It will teach you the skills and provide the motivation you need!