United States

Helping the Health of Our Oceans #SuperCoralPlay

Helping the Health of Our Oceans #SuperCoralPlay

Thousand of football fans will be descending onto Miami this weekend, all to enjoy the excitement and action of Super Bowl 54! Florida has many tourist attractions even beyond the Super Bowl, but I learned today that Florida is also the Coral State of America. Florida’s coral reef is known to be the third largest …

Self Self-Care

Let’s Kick off the 30-Day Thriver Challenge

I was excited and touched to be able to talk with two incredible women – celebrity fitness trainer Anna Kaiser (training Shakira for the Super Bowl) and Christine Hodgdon, Patient Advocate for MBC. These inspirational women taught me more about self-care and fitness as a lifestyle. The two of them are here today to share …


Good Relationships Are Based on Building Trust

Learning to Trust Again

Trust is a very important part of any personal or business relationship. Without trust, an air of suspicion always clouds the relationship. Trust is the glue that holds any worthwhile relationship together. Fortunately, you can choose actions that build trust, and that is important because good relationships are based on trust. Each and every relationship is …