Trust is a very important part of any personal or business relationship. Without trust, an air of suspicion always clouds the relationship. Trust is the glue that holds any worthwhile relationship together. Fortunately, you can choose actions that build trust, and that is important because good relationships are based on trust.
Each and every relationship is different. The steps for establishing trust for a romantic relationship are very different than for a business relationship. But all relationships have certain things in common. Your actions speak louder than anything you say, so ensure that your actions are honorable and match what you say you’ll do.

Good Relationships Are Based on Building Trust
Trust in a Nutshell
The basics of trust are the same in every type of relationship. In short, you should:
- Always tell the truth.
- Be kind to people.
- Do what you say you’ll do.
- Keep your promises.
- Only take on what you’re capable of handling.
- Recognize people by communicating your appreciation for them.
If you keep these important principles in mind, you can build trust in any relationship. A good partnership has to have trust to exist. Whether you’re asking someone for a date, working with a colleague on a project, or forming a new business venture, confidence in each other is vital for success.
Remember – Most People Are Trustworthy
Sometimes your gut feelings can overwhelm you, especially if you have a suspicious nature. Feelings of suspicion can suppress your ability to love in romantic relationships and to conduct business effectively in business relationships.
You might have had some bad experiences in your past that are impacting your thinking. For me, I had a hard time learning to trust again after my divorce. I shared my process of moving forward in this article, Learning to Trust Again.
But I do know that most people can generally be trusted. They can be great friends and partners if you’re willing to give them the opportunity to demonstrate their trustworthiness.
Some people need a second chance, too. Everyone messes up at some point. Whether that person deserves a second chance or not depends on a number of factors. Has the person taken steps to rectify the breach of trust? What is the nature of your relationship?
When someone tells you they’re sorry, can you believe them? Perhaps. Do you feel they’ve changed their ways so it won’t happen again? You must trust your basic instincts to decide whether you believe they’re telling you the truth and have intentions to follow up accordingly. Also, feeling sorry is one thing, while changing their ways is another thing altogether.
If you break someone’s trust, apologize quickly. Make a commitment to rebuilding the trust. Then do whatever you can to make amends for your error and be certain that it doesn’t happen again.
The seriousness of any breach of trust depends on the perception of the person who feels his or her trust was violated. If that’s you, whether that person is worth a second chance or not is something only you can decide. Trust is a serious issue and it’s also very personal.

To give your relationships the best chance of success, make a commitment today to keep your word and honor your promises. Trust determines your chances of success in every type of relationship you experience. Strive to be the kind of person that can always be counted on, and your relationships will thrive as a result.