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Breakfast Home Mealtime Recipes

What I’m Eating for Sugar-Free Breakfasts

Cutting out sugar has been challenging! I admit that I am dealing with cravings – especially chocolate. I simply love dark chocolate! But what has been easier than I thought it would be is starting each day sugar-free with an easy to make, fast in the morning, delicious breakfast! What I’m Eating for Sugar-Free Breakfasts …

Beverages & Cocktails Recipes

Enjoying a Cocktail (or two) on a Sugar-Free Diet

When going sugar-free, or in my case, cutting out added and refined sugars you automatically also cut back on alcoholic drinks. Simply put, cocktails, beer, and wine can be high in carbohydrates, and sugars. But what’s a person to do when it is still vacation and you plan a day in Carmel to lunch with …