Breakfast Quick Recipes

German Pancake Recipe – Quick, Easy & Impressive!

I made this German Pancake the other morning for my daughter and her friends.  Not only was it quick and easy, it was delicious, and with the toppings a healthy breakfast.  Perfect for a busy morning before heading tho the airport. We topped our German Pancake with fresh berries, Greek yogurt, and just the smallest …

Home Money Organization

Knowing Your Net Worth: Getting Your Financial House in Order

  One of my ongoing projects is to help keep our financial house in order. When I was fresh out of college in 1986, I worked in the financial industry. My degree was in Business Administration and Economics and investing was my passion. I held jobs with Citibank; IDS Financial Services; and Bateman, Eichler, Hill, …

Family Kids Recipes Soups

The Gift of Spending Time with your Child

When my children were little, I read a great piece of advice. The advice was to find an activity that you and your child both enjoy. Spend time together sharing this interest with your child when they are young. Very purposefully build a base and tradition. Then as your child becomes a teenager, you will …

Decorating Home Inspire Kids

An Easy Way to Decorate with Words on a Wall

Sometimes our upstairs feels like a dorm.  With six kids sharing (albeit on a variety of differing schedules) three bedrooms it can be a bit chaotic.  When we first moved in together, my husband and I had a lot of discussion on how we were going to arrange the sleeping quarters of the four girls. …