Self Self-Care

What are Vogue, Cosmo, and Emily Foley Saying About Summer Fashion?

What are Vogue, Cosmo, and Emily Foley saying about summer fashion?  Well, come along and find out! Those that know me and follow my blog know that I am not the fashionista! Oh, I do try, but life gets in the way sometimes. Funny thing was that I grew up with a dad that was …

Recipes Soups

Slow Roasted Vidalia Onion Soup with Top Chef Star Kevin Gillespie

As someone that loves the sweet tanginess of Vidalia onions, I had no idea that they could only be grown in Georgia! I look forward to adding Vidalia onions to my summer menus every year. I totally understood that like strawberries or oranges – they have a season and that season is now here! How lucky …

Entertaining Friends

Teacher Appreciation Week – Wild West Style

We were treated to another over-the-top week full of appreciation, love, and fun surprises from our parent community. Come along and see what the parents did for us teachers this year. Welcome to Teacher Appreciation Week – Wild West Style. As you can see, Monday morning started off with a decked-out staff room, decorated classroom …

Freestyle Freestyle Recipes Salads Salads (FS)

Orzo Salad with Watermelon and Feta #SundaySupper

This salad is so delicious that I just licked my bowl! Honest truth! No one was looking, and I was not going to leave behind any bits of crumbled feta, basil or orzo that stuck to the sides of my bowl. You don’t need to worry about the watermelon since that scoops up nice and …

Backyard Home Organization

Getting Ready for Spring and Summer Entertaining

The warmer weather is popping up here, and this has me thinking about getting ready for spring and summer entertaining! Spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning when you think about the upcoming parties that you may be hosting. After all, this is the season of showers, graduations, Cinco de Mayo fiestas, pool parties, …