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Backyard Home Organization

Getting Ready for Spring and Summer Entertaining

The warmer weather is popping up here, and this has me thinking about getting ready for spring and summer entertaining! Spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning when you think about the upcoming parties that you may be hosting. After all, this is the season of showers, graduations, Cinco de Mayo fiestas, pool parties, …

Recipes Sandwiches Soups

Red Pozole with Chicken and a Vegetarian Tex-Mex Quesadilla #SundaySupper

When I think of grilled cheese and soup pairings, I immediately have images of melted cheese oozing out of golden grilled sourdough bread sitting alongside my favorite bowl of Red Bell Pepper & Tomato Bisque. That combination is so totally delicious! Today though, I wanted something different, and I wanted something that would be Weight Watchers friendly …

Family Kids Money

Teaching Children about Money with Beth Kobliner and Kate McKinnon

“Money doesn’t grow on trees!” If I heard that once from my parents as I was growing up, I heard it a million times. Teaching children the value of money has never been an easy task! Beth Kobliner, a financial guru, has written a book to help parents teach their children about money. As much …

Kid-friendly Mealtime Recipes Soups

Meatballs for Three Different Dinners #SundaySupper

Meal prep is easy when you start with these scrumptious meatballs! It is so easy to put together three different dinners that your family will love. My yummy meatball recipe is made into three different sized meatballs for three different dinners. Prep once and you will have the basis for Meatballs and Zoodles (or spaghetti …

Allergy Free Breads & Muffins Breads & Muffins (FS) Desserts Freestyle Freestyle Kid-friendly Recipes

Chocolate Banana Bread Freestyle Recipe

This chocolate banana bread Freestyle recipe has become a family favorite in our home! Wow, a chocolate muffin that is moist, chocolatey, and only two points! It is only two Freestyle points because the base of the recipe is one banana and one egg. Not only is it absolutely delicious, it is easy to put …