Family Inspire Kids

Happy National Love Your Melon Day!

Today’s Blog Post is brought to you from my daughter, Nicole.

Now, what is Love Your Melon? It’s this awesome non-profit organization for which I recently became an ambassador. As an organization, started by college students, they strive to give a hat to every child that is battling cancer. They do this through a Buy One – Give One hat program! They set up giveaways, dress up as superhero’s and enter the hospitals handing out hats and putting smiles on the children’s faces! As an ambassador, I will be allowed to lead one of these giveaways once I sell 50 hats. I have created a team called the Melon Toppers. Every time an item is sold, it gets credited towards my team, and with each purchase, I am one hat closer to adding a smile to a child’s day!


For those of you who have been reading my mom’s blog for a while, you may remember that I posted a few months ago about my medical trip to Ecuador. I have wanted to become a doctor for the past 5 years, and I have wanted to become a pediatric oncologist since the very beginning. This organization hits one of the many reasons why I want to be a part of this field. No child should ever have to face the terrible treatments that a cancer patient endures. Children shouldn’t be stuck inside the hospital, but rather, outside playing in the sun with their friends. Through this organization, the children are reminded about having fun and being kids.Love Your Melon offers love and encouragement to the patients and their families.


In honor of National Love Your Melon Day, head on over to the website to learn more about the organization and help support my team! Just remember, select my team – Melon Topperswhen you’re checking out!To get involved simply:

1. Browse the site, Love Your Melon
2. Buy or make a donation
3. Select “Melon Toppers” under teams to support
4. Spread the word!


You, too, can be hero! Thank you for your support!



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