Home Mealtime Money

Hunger in America – Feeding My Family on a Budget: Week Four

We have just finished our fourth and final week of living on a food budget equal to SNAP equivalent for a family of four. To read more about what prompted this experiment click here. I am happily surprised to see just how successful I think we were. With a budget of $632 I did feed my family …

Family Inspire Kids

Helping Your Child with ADHD be Successful in School

“It is extremely difficult! Sometimes you cannot control your actions. You are really hyper part of the time. It is hard to focus. You drift off and you just don’t want to do the work sometimes because it is hard. It feels weird.” Those are the words of a child explaining what it is like …

Family Inspire Kids

Happy National Love Your Melon Day!

Today’s Blog Post is brought to you from my daughter, Nicole. Now, what is Love Your Melon? It’s this awesome non-profit organization for which I recently became an ambassador. As an organization, started by college students, they strive to give a hat to every child that is battling cancer. They do this through a Buy One – …

Family Inspire Musings

Write a Gratitude List to Feel Thankful

Gratitude – the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Most Americans think about gratitude during the month of November. This makes perfect sense as this is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving. How many of you have Facebook friends that run a month of daily gratitudes during November? …