Appetizers & Snacks Appetizers & Snacks (FS) Freestyle

Stuffed Mini Bell Pepper Appetizer Recipe

Stuffed Mini Bell Pepper Appetizer Recipe

Looking for a healthy, low Freestyle point appetizer? Well, here is a scrumptious recipe to make and enjoy at your next party! What I love about this recipe, besides the flavor and low points, is that you can make the meat filling ahead and you can adjust the heat with the addition of the jalapeño …

Freestyle Weight-Loss Journey

What I’ve Learned Spending A Year On Weight Watchers

I have spent the last year focusing on losing weight and then maintaining my weight loss. From the time that I joined Weight Watchers (now called WW) I have lost 24 pounds. It hasn’t always been easy. Losing weight never is! But I have learned some key points along the way. Here is what I’ve …

Appetizers & Snacks (FS) Recipes

Delicious Deviled Eggs WW Freestyle Recipe

Delicious Deviled Eggs WW Freestyle Recipe

I love to gather with friends and family, and as with most gatherings, food is at the center! There is no reason why the food we share with others cannot be delicious, healthy, and for us point trackers, low points. So don’t shy away from parties. Just make sure that there are yummy options to …

Inspire Recipes

New Food Trends and Resolution Diet Help for 2019

I had a chance to chat with nutrition expert Bonnie Taub-Dix to discuss food trends for 2019 with special information on some new almond milk products.  Not only a top nutritionist, Bonnie is a foodie, mom of three and grandmother—in addition to being a reliable resource for network TV—Bonnie loves cooking and sharing her knowledge and tips …

Holiday Kids

A Dozen Mini Gifts and Envelope Tuck-ins – Fun Gifts That Fit Inside a Card

Today I am sharing with you a dozen mini gifts and envelope tuck-ins – fun gifts that fit inside a card. Valentine’s is the perfect time to share your love with family and friends far from home! Five of my six children are now out of the home; four of them are out of state! …

Fitness Self-Care Weight-Loss Journey

The Connection Between Excess Weight and Heart Health

Health and Wellness

February is American Heart Month, and today I have an interview with Leonardo Rodriguez, MD, a staff cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic for you. Dr. Rodriguez is here today to talk about the connection between excess weight and heart health. People seem to understand that being overweight or obese is harmful to our health. According to the Cleveland …