I was looking back over last year and was reminded that I kicked off 2017 with a Sugar -Free January. Honestly, it was something that I had totally forgotten about. Now looking back, I can see that my sugar-free January was probably one of the biggest factors in me being so ready to jump into …
Feel Better Fast and Make It Last
This year I have been focusing on my health. I am nourishing my body with healthier food, spending more time moving and getting some exercise in, and I have added meditation to my daily routine. All of these habits are making a marked difference in my ability to just feel good and ready to tackle …
How Meditation is Helping Me
The stress in my life right now is over the top! So much so that sometimes it feels as though I can feel the cortisol piercing through my veins. OK, I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but right now there are a handful of big stressors in my life. First, we sold our home …
Bringing Fulfillment Closer to My Life
I recently listened to a meditation focused on bringing fulfillment closer to my life. Which of course caused me to ask myself, “Am I fulfilled?” That is a really big question! There was one point in my life where I wrote a piece on how I was living my purpose. At that time, I truly …
How to Live an Adventurous Life
There is no doubt about it, I live for adventure! Whether it has been swimming from Alcatraz, biking through Croatia, or living through a remodel – I am almost always up for an adventure. There is something about visiting new places, meeting new people, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone that speaks to …
Hiking Vernal Falls in Yosemite
Sometimes you just need a mountain fix! When this feeling hit, my daughter and I hopped into the car and headed to Yosemite National Park for the day. Honestly before we decided to fit in one more summer hike together, I had never, ever thought of Yosemite as a day destination for us. While it …
What are Vogue, Cosmo, and Emily Foley Saying About Summer Fashion?
What are Vogue, Cosmo, and Emily Foley saying about summer fashion? Well, come along and find out! Those that know me and follow my blog know that I am not the fashionista! Oh, I do try, but life gets in the way sometimes. Funny thing was that I grew up with a dad that was …
7 Simple Ways to Help Declutter Your Mind
My life has been super busy lately! You may have noticed that I have been away from my blog more than normal. Like you, I only have 24 hours a day, and when my life goes on overdrive – I need to let somethings go. As much as I love writing and sharing with you …
Winter Wellness Tips from Dr. V
This has been a bad year for the flu! Every night on the news they are reporting the number of reported cases and tragically the number of deaths. As of this writing, 53 children have died this winter flu season. I cannot even imagine the grief. Adults as well as seniors are being affected. As …
It is time to Freestyle with Weight Watchers
I did it, I joined Weight Watchers! I hadn’t really planned on it – it just sort of happened. Flash back to last Friday when I met up with some girlfriends for happy hour. I am sitting on a couch between one friend that is complaining about her weight gain and another friend that is …