Habits we all have them, some are good, some are bad, and many are neutral. We need to take a good look at our daily habits when we want to make a positive change in our life. Most likely we will need to make a shift or a change in order to reach our goals. …
Skin Care and Eye Care is so Important!
Summer is coming and the sun is shining bright! We have been dealing with a mini-heat wave here in California and the sun’s rays have us all searching for shade and tall, cool drinks of water! Skin and eye care is so important all year long, but during the summer months when we spend more …
Five Steps to Living with Intention
Living with intention seems to be a buzz phrase these days, but I am someone who has always journaled and made life lists. I feel as though living intentionally has been part of my makeup for most of my life. Granted, sometimes I feel as though my life is more on course (my chosen course) …
Nurture Personal Growth
Life is ever changing, nothing is stagnant, not even the rock sitting on the side of the road. Simply look to the Grand Canyon or to the magnificent hoodoos of Bryce Canyon National Park to understand that even material that seems hard, rigid, and permanent changes over time. Humans, you and I, are no different. …
Health and Wellness in the News
I have read a few articles on health and wellness in the news over the last couple of weeks that I have found to be interesting, inspiring, and or helpful. I thought I’d share a few of them here with you today. Food and the Environment When it comes to food I try to buy …
Embracing Change
The day my husband of 20 years told me that he no longer wanted to be married, I knew my life was being turned upside down. That event sent me trough a wave of life changes. Divorce, move, and job change were just a few of the outwardly, visibly changes that I undertook during that …
Accepting Your Whole Self
One of the most important lessons that I have learned in my life is that is is imperative to accept our whole self – that means the good and the not so good. Yes, we must even accept our lacking parts. The thing is, we all have them. None of us are perfect. Accepting the …
The Connection Between Excess Weight and Heart Health
February is American Heart Month, and today I have an interview with Leonardo Rodriguez, MD, a staff cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic for you. Dr. Rodriguez is here today to talk about the connection between excess weight and heart health. People seem to understand that being overweight or obese is harmful to our health. According to the Cleveland …
Finding Self Inspiration
We all know what we need to do to reach our goals; unfortunately, knowing is not always enough. Staying motivated day ofter day, week after week can be hard. It is easy to fall back into bad habits, and then get completely way-sided on our journey to reach our goals. Does this sound familiar to …
Consistency is the Key to Reaching Your Goals
Yea! I did it! One of my main goals with my weight loss journey was to maintain my weight loss throughout the holidays. Anyone who has struggled with weight loss knows how hard the holidays can be to handle. After eight months, I reached my goal weight in September. While weight loss is hard, maintaining …