I was excited and touched to be able to talk with two incredible women – celebrity fitness trainer Anna Kaiser (training Shakira for the Super Bowl) and Christine Hodgdon, Patient Advocate for MBC. These inspirational women taught me more about self-care and fitness as a lifestyle. The two of them are here today to share …
Good Relationships Are Based on Building Trust
Trust is a very important part of any personal or business relationship. Without trust, an air of suspicion always clouds the relationship. Trust is the glue that holds any worthwhile relationship together. Fortunately, you can choose actions that build trust, and that is important because good relationships are based on trust. Each and every relationship is …
Building Connections and Fostering Relationships
I’ve been thinking a lot about a focus for 2020 – the year of clarity. And what I keep coming back to is building connections and fostering relationships. I feel as though I am living a large life – I have many friends, a great career that keeps me busy, a wonderful husband, and a …
Walking for Weight Loss Made Easy
Today, Sunday, November 17, is Take a Hike Day! Who knew there was a full day devoted to getting the message out about the benefits of getting outside and immersing yourself in nature. Those of you that have followed me know that hiking has played a big part in my life. I shared that journey …
Inspiration is All Around You – Look for It
Inspiration is All Around You – Look for It Finding inspiration comes naturally to some people. For others, it takes practice. If you don’t feel very inspired right now, the good news is that you can change the way you look at things and, in doing so, you’ll welcome more inspiration into your life. Where …
Reaping the Benefits of a Gratitude Journal
How many of you journal? The good old pen and paper journaling? There are so many different ways to journal, but one of my favorite journals is my gratitude journal. Taking the time to reflect each day, and then actually make a note of our thoughts has huge rewards to our well-being. Reaping the benefits …
Six Weeks to a Newer, Better You
Whatever your goal is, you can make it happen! You have the power within you to create the beautiful life that you crave. A life that is authentically yours. A life where you know what you want (because you have done the work to get clarity), the tools to create it (because you have taken …
Get What You Want out of Life
Dear Friends, Developing an online course presented me with a huge learning curve – so much tech for me to learn – writing scripts, videotaping myself, and then editing the videos; writing and recording meditations; and creating handouts! I have created many journal sheets ready to help you get what you want out of life. …
Creating the Life You Want
Dear Friends, You may have noticed that I have been absent from the blogging world this past summer. You might have thought that I was using my summer months to travel the world…. That would have been exciting. But in reality I choose to put aside a lot of my summer plans to work on …
How Journaling Can Help with Achieving Your Goals
The other day I was cleaning through boxes in the garage and came across a box of my high school journals. I totally enjoyed my trip down memory lane, and then I tossed them. We are still trying to “fit” into our downsized home, and I decided that it was time to let my decades …