Showing 41 Result(s)
Home Mealtime

From Farm to Kitchen: Building a Locavore Community

I was in Aspen, Colorado recently visiting my daughter. As many of you know my daughter Alyssa is all about food! She graduated last spring form Boston University with a degree in Nutritional Science. She has since interned during the fall with an organization in Vermont called Green Mountain Farm-to-School and then spent this last winter …

Home Mealtime Money

Hunger in America – Feeding My Family on a Budget: Week Four

We have just finished our fourth and final week of living on a food budget equal to SNAP equivalent for a family of four. To read more about what prompted this experiment click here. I am happily surprised to see just how successful I think we were. With a budget of $632 I did feed my family …

Home Mealtime Money

Hunger in America – Feeding My Family on a Budget: Week Three

Well, I have wrapped up week three of my experiment to see if I can feed my family of four health and tasty meals for one month with a budget of $632. $632 being the maximum amount of SNAP (Supplemental Nutritious Assistance Program) that a family of four can receive in California. So far, so good. I am about to say that yes you can, …

Home Mealtime Money

Hunger in America – Feeding my Family on a Budget: Week Two

Well, I just wrapped week two of my experiment to see if I can feed my family nutritious and tasty meals for $632.00 a month. I will say when I started this project I was a little fearful that this would be nearly impossible. I feel that I am usually a pretty frugal shopper, but I usually …