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Religious Freedom? Hobby Lobby’s or Mine?

As most everyone has already heard, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a closely-held corporation can refuse to cover contraception in their healthcare plans for religious reasons.  Some people are cheering and some are outraged. I am outraged. I believe that a cornerstone to being an American citizen is that in the United States …

Family Kids

Patriotic Art for the Fourth of July

Next week I head back into the classroom to teach art as part of a Summer Arts Academy. I have been super busy planning our time together, and yesterday I picked up 100 pounds of clay! The students (aged first thru sixth grade) will be rolling, squishing, and forming various items out of clay next …

California Great Restaurants Travel

The Plant Cafe Organic at Pier 3 in San Francisco: Review

Last Saturday was my daughter’s birthday and lunch in the city seemed the perfect way to celebrate. San Francisco is one of my all-time favorite cities – OK, so I have a lot of favorite cities. I am lucky that San Francisco is a short drive away. I know the city well as my father’s …