Backyard Home

A Visit to the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show

The rain has finally hit Northern California. We have had a really dry winter, which means we are heading into a drought. So the rain we received all weekend and the predicted showers this coming week is greatly needed and welcomed. This is also the week I have off from teaching as it is Spring …

Home Mealtime Money

12 Super Foods on a Budget

My daughter Alyssa is graduating this May from Boston University’s Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitative Services with a degree in Nutritional Sciences. She has spent years studying nutrition and learning of the medical benefits of a healthy diet. My daughter loves to share her knowledge, and I have learned a lot! I have tried …

Home Money Organization

Organizing your Bills and Important Papers: Getting your Financial House in Order – Part Two

Paperwork – Uggh! It just never goes away!  Managing all of your mail and paperwork that comes into your home is part of managing your finances. And I must admit, I struggle with this! When I get home from work, I just don’t like going through the giant piles of mail that stuff our mailbox …