Family Inspire Kids

Bringing Health Care to the Underserved Through Timmy Global Health

Today’s post is brought to you from my daughter, Nicole. All six of my kids do incredible things, and I am happy to have them share their stories with you. Thank you, Nicole, for sharing your experience with others. This past May I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Quito, Ecuador through school. During the beginning …

Friends Give-Away

Thanks to Angel Soft – There Will Be No #SheetOutOfLuck for One of My Lucky Readers!

The time has come! Yep, today is the day that I start hosting an amazing give-away. Amazing? You bet! If you are the lucky winner you will not have to worry about #SheetOutOfLuck for one year. No sad face for my winner! But first a little story….Last week I headed of to #BlogHer’14 for my …

Family Musings

That Elusive Moment of Absolute Certainty

When does that moment of absolute certainty arrive? Sometimes it hits you instantly, sometimes you are left wondering until confirmation shows up years later, and I suppose, sometimes never. Wouldn’t life be so much easier to navigate if we were always 100% certain of our decisions? Last spring, my husband, his ex-wife, and I toured …

Blogging Self

I Designed My Business Cards & Now I Need An Elevator Pitch

I am so excited to be heading to BlogHer ’14 – my very first ever blogging conference. I have only been blogging for seven months, so in the world of blogging I am definitely a newbie. I have been given a list of items that I need to show up with – two of which are business …