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Family Inspire Musings

Write a Gratitude List to Feel Thankful

Gratitude – the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Most Americans think about gratitude during the month of November. This makes perfect sense as this is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving. How many of you have Facebook friends that run a month of daily gratitudes during November? …

Home Mealtime Money

Hunger in America – Feeding My Family on a Budget: Week Three

Well, I have wrapped up week three of my experiment to see if I can feed my family of four health and tasty meals for one month with a budget of $632. $632 being the maximum amount of SNAP (Supplemental Nutritious Assistance Program) that a family of four can receive in California. So far, so good. I am about to say that yes you can, …

Home Mealtime Money

Hunger in America – Feeding my Family on a Budget: Week Two

Well, I just wrapped week two of my experiment to see if I can feed my family nutritious and tasty meals for $632.00 a month. I will say when I started this project I was a little fearful that this would be nearly impossible. I feel that I am usually a pretty frugal shopper, but I usually …