Ahhh…love these cupcakes! So cute and EASY! A perfect treat for Halloween. Easy Zombie Cupcakes I made these when my sixth graders choose to be zombies for spirit week. I thought it would be a fun treat to end a rather hectic week, and to celebrate the extra work they had put in planning and …
Leaf Art ~ Perfect for Fall
A wordless Wednesday highlighting different art projects celebrating the beauty of fall leaves. Chalk Pastels Leaf Prints Ceramic Bowls Mr. Leaf Man found while hiking Pogonip Park. Happy Fall y’all! How to Buy Medicines Safely From an Foreign Pharmacy
Write a Gratitude List to Feel Thankful
Gratitude – the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Most Americans think about gratitude during the month of November. This makes perfect sense as this is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving. How many of you have Facebook friends that run a month of daily gratitudes during November? …
All the Light We Cannot See: A Book Review
Let me just say right off the bat, I love this book! It has been a while since I have read a book where I fall in love with the characters all the while rooting for them, cringing with them, and wishing they could avoid so much pain. This novel, All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doeer, …
Hunger in America – Feeding My Family on a Budget: Week Three
Well, I have wrapped up week three of my experiment to see if I can feed my family of four health and tasty meals for one month with a budget of $632. $632 being the maximum amount of SNAP (Supplemental Nutritious Assistance Program) that a family of four can receive in California. So far, so good. I am about to say that yes you can, …
A Dozen Ways to Be a Better Human
Have your ever perused the self-help aisle at the bookstore? There are simply oodles and oodles of books out there telling us all how to be a better version of ourselves. Well, I think there are lots of little things we can do every day that will helps us be a better human. To that …
Up, Up and Away
Come spend a wordless Wednesday with me ballooning through the silent skies — Our ride in Free Spirit was piloted by Dana Thornton of San Jose, CA. Transparency of Medication Prices
Our Five Favorite Restaurants in Ireland
Before I went to Ireland I had no idea that this beautiful country was also a foodie’s paradise. Yes, we have all heard of the potato famine, and if you are like my family you celebrate St. Patrick’s day with a giant slab of corned beef and a side of boiled cabbage, potatoes, and carrots. …
Hunger in America – Feeding my Family on a Budget: Week Two
Well, I just wrapped week two of my experiment to see if I can feed my family nutritious and tasty meals for $632.00 a month. I will say when I started this project I was a little fearful that this would be nearly impossible. I feel that I am usually a pretty frugal shopper, but I usually …
Moroccan Meatballs – So Yummy!
As you know, I am feeding my family of four on a budget. My goal is to feed nutritious and tasty meals and keep the cost down. To that end, I have been hunting for inspiration. My DVR is set to record Melissa D’Arabian’s cooking show, Ten Dollar Meals. But I must admit, I hardly …