The ABCs of my life was a post I started over a year ago – just something to sit and write about as I reflect on who I am and what currently makes up my life. I hope you enjoy this read, and perhaps you will get to know me just a little bit more. …

The ABCs of my life was a post I started over a year ago – just something to sit and write about as I reflect on who I am and what currently makes up my life. I hope you enjoy this read, and perhaps you will get to know me just a little bit more. …
There are certain times of the year that my life routinely ramps into high gear and spins at speeds that leave me breathless. That would be the beginning and the end of the school year. While I am a teacher and perhaps at bit more sensitive to the changes of summer to fall and then spring …
They say when you send your children off to college it is hard. And yes that is! Having lived through that four times already, I can tell you that for me it never got easier whether my child was a freshman, or a sophomore, or a junior, or a senior returning to campus after a …