Today is my birthday, and it has me thinking about the important role models that I have had throughout my life. Our first teachers in life are our parents. My mom and dad have taught me many key lessons in life. As parents they played an active role in my upbringing, and as a parent …

Goals: What’s the Cost? This is Step One of Goal Setting
I am a huge goal setter. I always have been. In high school (many years ago) I wrote in my journal a list of activities I wanted to do/achieve in my lifetime. Essentially, I wrote a bucket list at age fifteen – long before I had ever heard the term bucket list. I am someone …

You Are in Charge of Your Life
I saw this list the other day, and I was struck by the wisdom it presented. I like statements to be phrased in the positive as opposed to the negative. Call it all my teacher training, but usually when you tell someone what not to do – it is the first thing on their mind …

Owning a Little Bit of Italy
Well maybe we don’t actually own a little bit of Italy, but we did just receive three cans of olive oil from our adopted tree from the Le Marche region of Italy. Is that not cool or what?! A family member gave us the gift of a Nudo olive tree adoption for our wedding. That …

The Power of the Vision Board
Years ago I put together a vision board. That was the year Oprah was proclaiming the power of visualizing your aspirations. Like all of you I had my dreams and goals; wishes and plans. So I scoured the house for a perfect “something” to start my board with. I didn’t want to put it off …
A Photo Opportunity (Memoir Monday)
Looking around the silent room I was very pleased, yet very nervous. This was my classroom. I was a teacher, and in a few short minutes my students would arrive through the door. With great anticipation I surveyed the room. The classroom was sparkling with color. “Welcome to second grade,” read a large banner. The …

What words do you find uplifting during challenging times?
I received a chain email the other day – honestly I have not seen one in a very long time. This one was not met with my delete button; I happily forwarded it to friends. Why? Not because it was promising riches if I did, and not because it promised an eternity of bad luck …