I am headed to BlogHer ’14 today in lovely downtown San Jose. As you know I am new to the world of blogging, and this will be my very first blogging conference. Wow! when I signed up I thought San Jose – cool! Nice an close, I have no reason not to go and learn …

The Importance of Keeping a Training Journal
My stepson looked at me the other day with his wide eyes and big smile and told me that he had a crazy scary thought run through his head. “What’s that?” I inquired. “In three months we will be swimming the San Francisco Bay, and that, that is crazy! We need to start training.” I assured …

Be Kind to Yourself
When I lost my sister, my world was turned upside down. At times the grief was overwhelming. It was during one of those moments that I picked up the phone and called the Centre for Living with Dying. The woman on the other end of the phone was a calm voice full of empathy and …

Home Remedies to Fight the Common Head Cold
It is the weekend, I have a ton of schoolwork to be done, report cards are due Tuesday, and I have come down with a miserable head cold. The kind of head cold that has my head pounding, a deep raspy cough causing a raw and sore throat, and completely congested my sinuses. No, it …

Training to Swim Alcatraz
There is a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that says you should do one thing every day that scares you. Well, I don’t subscribe to the thought that we need to do something that scares usevery day – but once in a while, it’s a good thing. It is good to be nudged out of our comfort …

Time to Unplug and Get Outdoors!
Yesterday was a busy day! Amidst all of the regular business of the weekend – playing catch up with everything that gets postponed during the week – I was busy helping my stepdaughter pack for science camp. She is one excited and nervous sixth grader! She loves the outdoors. Like most children, she can very …

The Power of the Vision Board
Years ago I put together a vision board. That was the year Oprah was proclaiming the power of visualizing your aspirations. Like all of you I had my dreams and goals; wishes and plans. So I scoured the house for a perfect “something” to start my board with. I didn’t want to put it off …