While waiting for a table at one of my favorite restaurants in San Francisco called the Tipsy Pig, I wandered into the bookstore next door on Chestnut Street. I love wondering bookstores! But this day I had a purpose. I had an upcoming vacation, and vacation time is when I have time to read. So …

Planning a Friday Night Dinner Party
Having a dinner party on a Friday night, after working all week, having kids, and sticking to a training schedule, takes a bit of planning and lots of organization. First off, I am all about getting together with friends on Friday nights – but it’s usually order a pizza, toss a salad, and open a …

It’s a Cinco de Mayo Menu
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo is a common event in California no matter what your heritage. So even though I am Irish-Scott and French, I have always partaken in the Mexican celebration. Now that I am the step-mother to a son born of Mexican heritage, I have all the more reason to celebrate and honor Mexican …

Planning an Easy Easter Dinner
Easter is right around the corner, and I am just now thinking about it! I am usually much more prepared for holidays – I enjoy the preparation as much as the event itself. As a blended family though, I was not planning on having Easter this year. This year my step-children are to spend the …

My First Give-Away Ends Tomorrow!
Did you know you can enter every day? It’s so easy – you will not want to miss this one! As you may know, I am very excited to bring to you my very first blog give-away! I have a friend that works for this amazing company calledONEHOPE Wine. For every bottle of wine that …

My First Give-Away: Karma Blend Whole Bean Coffee
Have a Great Cup of Coffee & Make a Difference in Our World! I am very excited to bring to you my very first blog give-away! I have a friend that works for this amazing company calledONEHOPE Wine. For every bottle of wine that is sold, the company makes a donation to a specific cause. …

Karma Blend Whole Bean Coffee Giveaway: Round Two
I am so lucky OneHope Social Impact Coffee gave my 6 pounds of Karma Blend coffee so that I could run three sperate giveaways. You are lucky, because if you were not the winner of round one you have two more chances to win two pounds of this amazing coffee.As I said before ~ Have a …

A Palette of Pink ~ A Baby Shower Tea Party
Sugar and spice, and everything nice, and lots and lots of pink! That was the theme of the day. On Saturday I attended a beautiful baby shower for a friend, Tamara. This baby shower tea party was hosted by some very talented ladies. Just look at these pictures ~ every last detail was covered; it …

That’s a Wrap! The 2014 Oscar Highlights
Well that’s a wrap! The Oscars have been handed out! The Wolf didn’t howl, the pizza delivery-man wasn’t Hustled, Gravity rose to the top, and 12 Years a Slave took best picture! So many great moments! Ellen rocked the show with her biting humor, pizza delivery, and selfie (or do we call it an “us-ie”?). …

Looking Forward to the Academy Awards!
As you can probably tell from my prior post, I love all the pomp and circumstance that goes along with the awards party. I always relish a great party and all that sparkles; as a teacher I enjoy a great story – you can take me to the movies any day! The Academy Awards takes all …