Showing 39 Result(s)
Family Kids Money

AutoTrader’s Brian Moody Shares Do’s and Don’ts for Buying First Set of Wheels

I drove well over 5,000 miles this summer. The majority of that was my road trip to North Dakota through the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park with a return trip through Glacier National Park. That trip in of itself was over 4,400 miles. A day after I returned from that trip I was back in …

Home Money

Patrice C. Washington‏, Personal Finance Columnist and Best-Selling Author

Uggh, it’s that time of year again. the arrival of April brings that dreaded tax day – April 15th that much closer. I don’t know of anyone who really relishes tax preparation – it’s a lot of paperwork. Even for the most organized, it still requires making sure statements can be downloaded or received in the …

Home Mealtime Money

Hunger in America – Feeding My Family on a Budget: Week Four

We have just finished our fourth and final week of living on a food budget equal to SNAP equivalent for a family of four. To read more about what prompted this experiment click here. I am happily surprised to see just how successful I think we were. With a budget of $632 I did feed my family …

Home Mealtime Money

Hunger in America – Feeding My Family on a Budget: Week Three

Well, I have wrapped up week three of my experiment to see if I can feed my family of four health and tasty meals for one month with a budget of $632. $632 being the maximum amount of SNAP (Supplemental Nutritious Assistance Program) that a family of four can receive in California. So far, so good. I am about to say that yes you can, …